Mauri Ora is that it is one of the largest education programme delivered today in Aotearoa New Zealand. It was created outside of academia, from a community perspective and then licensed to a tertiary institution.
In 2006, MO1 Ltd (NZ License Holders) released the Mauri Ora Programme. To date approx 9000 students have either completed or are undertaking study on Mauri Ora.
This blog has been designed by Wotz Wot Ltd (managers of Mauri Ora Licensing) to provide free learning resources to those interested in NZ Māori culture and language.
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'A writer, film maker, publisher and social change agent'...these are just some descriptives that have been attached to 'who is Jude Roberts'. Mother of 5, Nanny to 2, Aunty to many awesome neices and nephews are probably how she would rather be described - although the word and name 'DIVA Extraordinair' would not go too far astray!
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